Essential Wellness Retreats
About Essential Wellness Retreats

Essential Wellness Retreats designs professional retreat style wellness experiences in Aruba for each participant to rejuvenate, increase relaxation and boost vitality, while allowing reflection in creating more conscious, healthy and purposeful lives. Based on the principles of holistic health, so rightfully known to many of our ancestors, including Aruba’s own Arahuaco elders, Essential’s wellness experiences treat the person as a whole being in body, mind and spirit. Essential’s online wellness platform allows you to recreate your own personalized wellness retreat experience by selecting from a variety of wellness services to be held on location at your hotel/lodging or by meeting at a beachfront workshop location beautifully detailed to enjoy Aruba’s natural surroundings. Each wellness experience can be mixed and matched to create a full wellness retreat itinerary from a variety of wellness services. Essential is highly committed to the service of Aruba’s wellness travelers through their retreat experiences and the empowerment of individuals to live healthy, joyful, purposeful lives in connection with each other and in harmony with nature in all its splendor.
Address: Dr. J.E.M. Arends St. 17-A, Eagle, Aruba
Phone: (297) 587-0940 (Aruba); (786) 245-8093 (US)
Email: [email protected]